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Brant Frost Recruited The Fake Four

Why has $100,000 been spent on promoting puppet candidates??

The answer is simple. Even the imcumbent, Linda Menk, does not support the concept of public schools.  The Fake Four are part of a larger movement to take control of small local level governments that will ultimately funnel up to control their agenda on the federal level.  This group wants school choice and does not want your children to go to the schools that their children attend.  Why?? Because they don't attend a school.  Smith and Britton children are home schooled, but they want to tell you how your children should be educated. They want to lower taxes even though the board already rolled back the legal maximum amount allowed. So how do they reduce taxes more? By not having to pay taxes to public schools.  THIS IS NOT ABOUT CRT!!!!!!!!!

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Menk Militia

We will take the schools from you by force

Here Linda Menk is attending a meeting to learn how to create a militia in Coweta County to be able to take things by force if they lose this election. The Fake Four do not care about what you want.  Only how they will get what they want.

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BGMS Praying for Militant Action

We will take the schools from you by force

The Fake Four praying in public for militant action so that they can oust the current school board and take over the community by force through militia activities.

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Vote May 24th
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